Garca Censat Yeannette born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1955 desempea Professionally as a travel agent. He has specialized in Human Relations, openly and Marketing. In the artistic area of plastic has conducted workshops, read and acrylic painting with teachers Uruguay, Argentina and Colombia. His works have been exhibited in national and international exhibitions, deserving recognition several special mentions and third prize Eniarte 2006 in his category with his work colors of February. In the letters, as a member of the Atelier of Writers of Montevideo, his literary creation has been highlighted in the narrative genre. XIV International Finalist Competition Short Narrative poetry and three stories, the author, (The table avivsus memories, Kids want to know and his roses, his queens) in the New Literature anthology of Spanish-Speaking 2006, Editorial Nuevo Ser, Republic Argentina. Selected as XV International Competition finalist poetry and 2007 with a Brief Narrative Poetry: A Moreno you a story: The reason for my trip to the Editorial Nuevo Ser, Republic Argentina.